Joss & Main

Thursday, June 7, 2012



I bet you all thought I was talking about a real hurricane didn't you?? Nope I wasn't. But I am going to show what I did last night. Wink wink hehehe. 

A few nights ago, on Pinterest(who doesn't ADORE that site?), I came across this super awesome, cute and cheap tutorial. Now I was a bonehead and forgot to take pics during the making process. So I'm going to show you pics of the afterwards. I'll explaib to you what I did with some pics but if you want the actual tutorial please visit Chelsea's blog Two Twenty-One. She is super talented and gorgeous to boot!! Thrifty Hurricane Tutorial.

I made the majority of my purchases at Michael's. But you can get everything you need to make the Hurricane glasses at your local $1 store. Well everything except for the glue. 

You will need:

Hurricane glasses(preferrably large enough to hold what you want to put in it)
$1 at Dollar Tree

Candle sticks(short to medium work best)
$3.99 ea. at Michael's. But similar ones can be found at your local dollar store.

E-6000 Industrial Strength Adhesive
$3.99 at Michael's

Free(had them on hand)

Vase filler(I used wine corks)
$1.99/ 20 piece package at Michael's

First thing I did was set up a work space. You want to make sure that where you're working is protected.

Then, I washed all of the hurricane glasses and the candlesticks. Always work with a clean surface.

Like Chelsea, I applied the adhesive to the rim of the candlestick with a toothpick. No fingers please!

After centering the candlestick to the  underside of the hurricane glass I applied pressure for two minutes. This adhesive will take about 24-72hrs to thoroughly dry and create a pretty much unbreakable bond.
After its dry flip over and fill with pretty things.

My little princess wanted we Lighting included. So I obliged.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Filler, Filler

Just a quick question. What would you fill the rectangular vase with??

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Living

We have taken quite a hiatus haven't we? So far spring in CT has been challenging. In March we have mid summer temperatures. Now that it is June we're having temps in the 50's!! CRAZINESS!! Wouldn't you agree? My son, Seamus, has his end of the year beach field trip cancelled/postponed until three days before the end of school. Talk about cramming everything in!

Hmm what's been going on with us? Not really anything. We've been contemplating purchasing a home here in CT in the upcoming fall season. We are ready to be homeowners. We're a little nervous though. 

As for summer time fun? We've pulled out our kiddie pool once. That's it. One time so far. The kids had a blast though. The love to be silly and to play in water.

Seamus and Lylian. They were taking turns filling up a bucket of water and the dumping it out. For what reason? I have no clue. But do they really need one? Nope they were quiet and getting along and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Seamus striking a pose. He always poses for his pictures. Maybe he'll be a model. I'm hoping for a soccer star. He's super talented either way you slice it.

Maddalaena is charming adorable highly energetic and goofy. Always the center of attention. 

And my Lylian. She's goofy too. But she's a little bit more reserved. When she's 16 I'm going to show her this picture. Then I'm going to show her that I shared it with the entire blogging community lol. Imagine her reaction...

Our son Seamus is a budding soccer star and we're also contemplating on sending him to a few soccer camps to strengthen his skill. The girls have been making friends and are enjoying the warm weather.

We've been spending a considerable amount of time with my grandparents. After all they are the only great grandparents that our children know.  And they're the only grandparents to the hubs and myself that we really know. Gotta soak up all that elderly mentality. Learn those life lessons. And enjoy their expressions of their relationships and joy with our children.

As for our home? The DIY projects have come to a little bit of a stand still. We've been enjoying and adjusting to baby Blake. With how much he eats and now he's teething and staying awake longer, I'm finding less time to get things done. As a result I've been calling on the help of my hubby. Speaking of the hubs, he has started college again. Which means I get to handle the baths and he gets to handle the homework and essays. 

Here he is in all his educated glory. The hubs, big man on campus, The Don and the love of my life. What's funny is that he actually isn't all that big physically. He's not tall, or super built like a bodybuilder. But he is quick and knows some cool take-you-out techniques. That's what makes him the big man on campus. And just because he's dad.

I know that some of you browse through these posts for information and some how-to's. Others just take a peek at what's going on in our lives. And I appreciate that soo much! You'll never know truly how much. The hubs and I will be working on some up coming DIY furniture projects in the upcoming months before his/our departure from Connecticut to Maine. We have orders to report to the Miami. Recent submarine to catch on fire. You all might have read about it. Yep we're going there. I'm not too excited. But it will be a new experience. In the meantime we have a to-do list to get accomplished before we leave in Oct/Nov. Here are some pretty pictures with links so you can look at the items yourselves!

Our Bedroom:



Hudson Dresser by Ana White



Farmhouse Bed by PotteryBarn

Farmhouse Bed by Ana White

The Girl's Room

$10 Ledges by Ana White

Camp Dresser by PotteryBarn Kids

Kendall Dresser by PotteryBarn Kids

Simple Bunk Bed by Ana White

Photo Credit: margjack at Ana White

The Living Room

Benchwright Tower by PotteryBarn

I hope you've enjoyed this post!! Photo credits to PotteryBarn, PotteryBarn Kids and users at Keep a look out for posts featuring these projects and more home updates! Thank you for taking the time to swing by and check this place out.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Julep Contest

Hey everyone long time no see!! I promise everything is going very well. Should be getting back into the swing of things very soon. Until then here is an awesome contest being held by Julep. You can go to the link below for more information.